Friday, February 17, 2012

Legendary Baker Banked Slalom

This is the first time I have been to Mt. Baker, and I was lucky enough to be able to race in the Baker Banked Slalom! Getting a spot in the race is next to impossible but Billabong had an extra spot. Yeeha!!

 Dom is showing me how to butter up the boards to make 'em speedy.
The course got sketchier every day but it was still so much fun. I made it to the Sunday finals but then fell both my runs... oh well.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

...not too shabby

The sun has been out but the temperature has made for unpleasant snow conditions... bummer. We made the best of it for the first few days, then we went exploring. 
 Luckily we are way above the clouds..
 Hanging out in the sun:)
Paul Watt and Clint Allen checking out some far off zones.